This week at the nursing home was very short nothing to bad happend like in the first week but i did learn alot of new stuff. We fed the resedents as normal and then Mrs.B seperated us in to our partners i got K.E. Our job was north showers but we got the halls mixed up and ended up on south. oops. i learned how to shave a resedent and that was by far the hardest thing i've had to do. Our CNA had already been with us oneday from last week so this time she set us out on our own and we were giving 2 showers at a time it was super exciting. The next day i was put in P.T and it was pretty boring but then i went out on the floor with one of the women and then i get more hands on. They let me walk a lady down the hall and observe someone being treated with a heat wave machine. i learned what the diffrent buttons were used for like Russian is used to re educate the muscle. and U.S is to increase blood flow and help releave pain. At the end of the day were always excited to leave and ready to get out of there but we take what we've learned with us and use it to improve our skills the next. T.H
Monday, April 27, 2009. Robbinsville Elementary School. Today i got the opportunity to work with Nurse M.M. and the elementary students. Our first patient was a boy who had been diagnosed with strep throat last Friday, but his mom wanted to make sure that he was okay to stay at school. Nurse M.M. said that it was fine as long as he was taking antibiotics and he had no fever. Next i counted up the monthly student encounters from January to March. I was surprised at how many students M.M. sees daily. Throughout the day there were a lot of kids that came in complaining of various sicknesses. The most common was stomach aches. I asked M.M. how she could tell the difference between the students who were faking and the ones that were serious. She told me that if they were constantly complaining of something she usually sends them back to class, but if it is someone that never comes in to see her, she usually calls their parents. I also collected permission forms from 5th grade students that allows them to receive their TDAP vaccines. TDAP stands for Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. The state requires students entering 6th grade to have this vaccine. M.M. taught me a lot and i appreciate the opportunity that i got to work with her. S.K.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today i was partners with S.C. again and we were assigned to south showers. Everything went along smoothly. I have noticed that the more i am assigned to do something, the easier it becomes. The CNA we worked with was K.C. and she was so happy because we were done with everyone on her shower list, except for two people, before lunch. I have decided that i want to apply to work at Britthaven once i become a CNA. I want to work here while i go to school to become a RN. I believe that working as a CNA will give me an advantage while i am in nursing school. S.K.
Monday April 27,2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today I was in the North Showers. There wasn't really anything different than before. There was this little woman that absolutly did not want her hair washed. We had to wash it anyway and we thought she was going to hit us because she was so mad. Most of the other residents did't seem to mind. There was one or two of them that refused to take a shower, but the rest of them seemed to be more cooperative. K.S.
The first day was very nerve racking, I was a little more scared than nauseous. I was glad SK was my partner though, because we both do very well in class together. We visited a room that had to be isolated, we were terrified. We went in, did our thing, and got outta there. In the end, everything went great!
Today was the most work I have done this week. It was non-stop all day. I made up beds, cleaned rooms, changed diapers, wiped butts, and helped make beaded necklaces. It was a hard day today, but i think i handled it pretty well.
This week at the nursing home was very short nothing to bad happend like in the first week but i did learn alot of new stuff. We fed the resedents as normal and then Mrs.B seperated us in to our partners i got K.E. Our job was north showers but we got the halls mixed up and ended up on south. oops. i learned how to shave a resedent and that was by far the hardest thing i've had to do. Our CNA had already been with us oneday from last week so this time she set us out on our own and we were giving 2 showers at a time it was super exciting. The next day i was put in P.T and it was pretty boring but then i went out on the floor with one of the women and then i get more hands on. They let me walk a lady down the hall and observe someone being treated with a heat wave machine. i learned what the diffrent buttons were used for like Russian is used to re educate the muscle. and U.S is to increase blood flow and help releave pain. At the end of the day were always excited to leave and ready to get out of there but we take what we've learned with us and use it to improve our skills the next.
Monday, April 27, 2009. Robbinsville Elementary School. Today i got the opportunity to work with Nurse M.M. and the elementary students. Our first patient was a boy who had been diagnosed with strep throat last Friday, but his mom wanted to make sure that he was okay to stay at school. Nurse M.M. said that it was fine as long as he was taking antibiotics and he had no fever. Next i counted up the monthly student encounters from January to March. I was surprised at how many students M.M. sees daily. Throughout the day there were a lot of kids that came in complaining of various sicknesses. The most common was stomach aches. I asked M.M. how she could tell the difference between the students who were faking and the ones that were serious. She told me that if they were constantly complaining of something she usually sends them back to class, but if it is someone that never comes in to see her, she usually calls their parents. I also collected permission forms from 5th grade students that allows them to receive their TDAP vaccines. TDAP stands for Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. The state requires students entering 6th grade to have this vaccine. M.M. taught me a lot and i appreciate the opportunity that i got to work with her.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today i was partners with S.C. again and we were assigned to south showers. Everything went along smoothly. I have noticed that the more i am assigned to do something, the easier it becomes. The CNA we worked with was K.C. and she was so happy because we were done with everyone on her shower list, except for two people, before lunch. I have decided that i want to apply to work at Britthaven once i become a CNA. I want to work here while i go to school to become a RN. I believe that working as a CNA will give me an advantage while i am in nursing school.
Monday April 27,2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today I was in the North Showers. There wasn't really anything different than before. There was this little woman that absolutly did not want her hair washed. We had to wash it anyway and we thought she was going to hit us because she was so mad. Most of the other residents did't seem to mind. There was one or two of them that refused to take a shower, but the rest of them seemed to be more cooperative.
4/20 BH
Vital Signs for South Hall with SK
The first day was very nerve racking, I was a little more scared than nauseous. I was glad SK was my partner though, because we both do very well in class together. We visited a room that had to be isolated, we were terrified. We went in, did our thing, and got outta there. In the end, everything went great!
4/24 BH
Work North Hall
Today was the most work I have done this week. It was non-stop all day. I made up beds, cleaned rooms, changed diapers, wiped butts, and helped make beaded necklaces. It was a hard day today, but i think i handled it pretty well.
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