Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This article is about the face transplant that was done in Cleveland, post your comments:,0,1710951.story

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reactions to article

Post your comments about this article addressing: 1. Is this a good idea to offer reproductive health services at school? 2. Should it be available to both male & females, give reasons. 3. Do you think that high school students are sexually active? 4. Should pregnancy prevention/contraceptive advice be available at school? 5. Do you think adults have knowledge about teen sexual activity? why or why not!

Teen Pregnancy Reduction

Follow the following link to read an article that discusses the availability of healthcare in schools:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Newly blogging

I am watching the snow fall outside while I type, it is so beautiful! I enjoy walking, hiking, quilting, sewing, knitting & my life. I teach Health Occupations which introduces students to Anatomy & Physiology & Health Careers in High School. I am trying to learn how to use blogs with my students to keep them engaged & excited about their education & why it matters NOW!