Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nursing Home week 4


Anonymous said...

Friday, May 8, 2009
Site Location- Britthaven

Today was a fun day and I am so glad today is Friday! SK and I did vital signs on north hall and we got done very quickly. We had trouble with a couple people’s oxygen levels getting up but we eventually were able to get them above 90. After we got done with vital signs we followed one of the nurses around and helped her with treatments. After that we helped pass out snacks for the residents. Today was bead work day and I made a bracelet for one of my favorite residents there. Overall today was fun but I am so glad we are done for the week.


Anonymous said...

Monday, May 11, 2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today i was partners with B.H. We were assigned to check vital signs on south hall. I am really comfortable with doing vital signs now, the only hard part about it is getting oxygen levels above 90. It took a while for us to finish because we had to hunt a few residents down and go back to get oxygen levels up. Our electronic thermometer was messed up too. It said that the residents temperature was between 94 F and 96 F and we knew for sure that it wasn't right! After we were finished with that we helped to pass out ice to the residents.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Site Location- Britthaven

We are almost done! Today I was assigned to north showers with B.R. The first man we showered had to be laid down in a stretcher. He was very grabby, and actually scratched his own head until he started bleeding. It took three of us almost an hour just to get him up and give him a shower and get him back to bed. After him we had so easier people to shower and nothing very interesting happened then. Our last shower we had to give however was not so easy. The woman we were washing had a colonoscopy bag ( I think that’s what it’s called) and it was solid liquid. The smell was horrible. Even the shower girl we were working with was having a hard time with it. We got her clean though and then our day was over.


Thursday, May 14, 2009
Site Location- Britthaven

Last day! I am so excited but to be honest I would rather be working hands on than doing work in the classroom. I was in physical therapy today until we had our party. S.C. and I did range of motion exercises with a patient and just helped the workers in PT do whatever they needed us to. Overall my experience at the nursing home was positive, but I do know I do not want to work at a nursing home the rest of my life.


Britt said...

5/14 BH
North Hall Floor with TH

Today TH and I worked our butts off. We did everything on our own, changed residents, made beds, answered call lights, EVERYTHING on our own. Felt kinda good knowing that we could do it. Then at 10:00 the nurses and CNAs threw us a party which was so sweet :(

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009. Britthaven of Graham. T.H. and i were partners today and we worked in the north hall shower room. It was a very interesting day today. The CNA we worked with said that one of the nurses that worked on third shift last night had given the residents some type of medicine to make them have bowel movements. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time "cleaning up!" Other than that, everything ran along smoothly and there were no problems. I really like working in the shower room, but i have decided that i like working on the hall better. Hopefully i will get to do that tomorrow! Two more days and we are finished, and it is back to the classroom.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009. Britthaven of Graham. Today i got to experience so many different things. After feeding a resident her breakfast and returning her to her room, i learned that i get to work on north hall!!! YAY! Even better, i got to work with my cousin N.P. She didn't go easy on me though. We jumped right into doing the round, getting diapers changed and getting residents up. While we were in each room we went ahead and changed the bed linens and put clean ones on. We also cleaned up the rooms because N.P. told me that there is only one housekeeper on each hall and it is hard for them to get everything done. After we were finished with all the rooms i got to perform mouth care on the residents who have feeding tubes. Their mouths look really bad and it looks like they haven't been cleaned in a while, but N.P. said that they can get like that overnight. After that was complete we did nailcare. I learned that CNA's aren't allowed to cut the fingernails of resident's who have diabetes because they bleed really easily and it can lead to infection. Next, we passed out snacks to everyone and answered call signals. I did so much today that time flew by. I can't believe tomorrow is our last day.